Aroma Diffuser Good Scent GS 100, White and Black colour

Good Scent
5 Reviews
349,00 RON

For 100 cubic meteres.

Use aroma & essential oil.

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Product Code: GS100-WB Do you need help? 0722 711 112
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  • Description
  • Characteristics
  • Reviews (5)

About GS 100 Bluetooth:

  • It is a professional portable perfume/odorization system that can be used both in commercial and residential spaces.
  • It is recommended to be used for surfaces smaller than 30 square meters.
  • It can be mounted on the wall, it can be placed on a flat surface.

How does it work?

  • The system uses oil perfumes, premium, of the best quality.
  • The perfume is transformed into very small molecules, under a micron and spread evenly in the room with the help of existing air currents.
  • The system is provided with a microcomputer that allows programming for several moments of the day (example: between 10-11 am, between 1-4 pm, between 11-11.30 pm). At night, the device can be programmed to remain idle until at a certain time when you want to resume the perfuming procedure.
  • It has 10 predefined programs to increase or decrease the intensity of the fragrance. The device perfumes for only 3 seconds and can pause for 1.5 min - 3 min - 4.5 min - 6 min - 7.5 min - 9 min - 10.5 min - 12 min - 13.5 min - 15 min.

Technical details:

  • The case is made of ABS plastic, with plexiglass panels
  • Dimensions: 146*156*58mm.
  • Power: 5v 1A adapter or Alkaline battery D LR20 (0.9-1.5V)
  • Weight 437 gr
  • Bottle refill capacity 100 ml
  • Reduced perfume consumption approx: 100 gr. Good Scent essence can be sprayed up to 7000 times.

Where can it be used?

  • Small shops, beauty salons, spa salons, elevators, small corridors...
  • We have a wide range of over 50 flavors (famous perfumes, floral, fruity, fresh, gourmand, etc.)
  • The choice of perfume belongs to the customer, we as advisors and from previous experiences can give you advice depending on: the type of commercial space, the products sold, the average age of the customers, the visiting hours, the desired atmosphere...

Warranty and post warranty:

  • Warranty: 24 months / 12 months for companies.
    Spare parts and repairs during the Post Warranty period (with spare parts from stock).

The product is out of warranty in the following situations:

  • If a different type of perfume than the one sold by Good Scent SRL is used
  • If the product has suffered physical shocks (falls, hits)
  • If the seals applied by the importer are destroyed, modified or no longer exist

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Aplicatie IOS sau Android : SCENT MARKETING

Informatii conformitate produs

Colour: White & Black

Coverage: 100 m³ ( 30 m² )

Power: Power or Baterry

Settings: Bluetooth

Application: Commercial

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Veres Annamaria,

Am achiziționat recent aparatul de parfumare profesional Good Scent GS și sunt extrem de mulțumitā de performanțele sale. Este exact ceea ce aveam nevoie pentru a crea o atmosferă plăcută în spațiul meu.


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Foarte seriosi

Adrian Onicel,

Preturi mai bune decat concurenta, produs ok


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Mihai Hardau,

Un aparat foarte bun care se poate gestiona prin conexiune bluetooth, functionarea fiind asigurata de o baterie de 1,5V ( R20) sau direct la reteua electrica, printr-un adaptor de 5V cu mufa microUSB.
Insa trebuie avut grija unde se pozitioneaza deoarece pentru zone de liniste pompa este un pic galagioasa.


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Excelent produs

Doru vrabie,

Am achizitionat doua astfel de produse,calitatea si eficacitatea acestui produs sunt cu mult peste ce am utilizat pana acum. Isi face treaba cu succes pentru un apartament cu doua camere in suprafata de 70mp,chiar daca in descriere se spune ca este destinat unei suprafete de 30mp. L-am montat pe hol pe cuier si de acolo parfumeaza toata casa. Recomand cu incredere.


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Domenico Dobre,

Aparatul îl utilizez într-un apartament cu 3 camere. Montat in hol, miroase in toată casa. Super programabile prin bluetooth , rezerva se consuma foarte greu. 100% recomand.


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